Happy Friday! This week has been crazy with a capital C…I am looking forward to a relaxing weekend of organizing and wrapping Christmas gifts, designing our holiday cards, decorating the house and catching up on work…wait, did I say relaxing?
Today, I am skipping my normal Friday On My Radar Screen post and instead offering some ideas for some great gifts for the children in your life. I believe that the greatest gift you can give children is a broader view of the world. While not all children have the opportunity to travel the world and experience other cultures first hand, there are many ways for children of all ages to learn about the rest of the world without ever leaving home.
Here are a few of my favorite “wanderlust inspiring” books and toys for children that would make amazing holiday gifts:
Zylie The Bear Adventure Kit – What could be better than a stylish bear who travels the world and has books about her adventures with her rockstar panda friend from China and a sporty koala friend from Australia?
Little Passports – Inspire a love and understanding of the world as your child learns about geography, history, culture, and language in a fun and memorable way by giving a subscription to follow Sam and Sofia each month on their exciting adventures around the US and the world.
Interactive Intelliglobe – Touch the wireless “pen” to the globe to play games and hear more than 10,000
facts about the world in English, Spanish, French, and German.
facts about the world in English, Spanish, French, and German.
Barefoot Books World Atlas – An atlas for the twenty-first century, it shows how all parts of the planet are interconnected and looks at the challenges which face us all in creating a sustainable future.
Giada’s Recipe for Adventure Books – Everyone’s favorite Food Network star, Giada DeLaurentiis has penned a series of three children’s books in which Alfie and Emilia are transported to Naples, Paris and Hong Kong where they learn first-hand how food cannot only take you places but can also bring you back home.
Lonely Planet ‘Not For Parents’ Travel Book – The subtitle “Cool Stuff To Know About Every Country In The World” pretty much says it all.
Just remember who to call when your children or grandchildren start begging to be taken on a trip around the world!
Have a terrific weekend everyone…wherever you may be wandering!
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THAT BEAR is smiling right at me! That, is a darling gift. Sandy my friend, I wish you joy and peace as you enjoy each day, preparing to bless someone's soul with your gentleness and beauty. HAVE FUN! Anita
Great post, Sandy!! Darling ideas. Wish I had some little ones to buy for!!
So, so, so adorable! I love the idea of opening the world to kids. My daughter would have loved all of this. It's funny how the younger gifts become more interesting when the kids become too old for them. Enjoy your weekend.
I love these ideas – I have a few little ones on my list so love the inspiration. Giving them the world is a great idea. Hope you get a little relaxation in this weekend! XO
Oh my goodness I love all of these! The little bear in her outfit is adorable!
I hope you find a little time to rest and relax!
Take care, Elizabeth
I just had to come by to see that smiling bear again! tehehehehe
What fun and creative ideas…..just trying to catch up on blog reading and totally agree about the crazy week!! And its only the start so brace yourself:) Hope you enjoy your weekend and get lots done!
Sandy my dear, thank you so much for coming by! It's a quiet Sunday out there in Blogland, and you came out all the way across the snow to see me. Big hugs, Anita
The globe is so cool! What a great way to get kids interested in geography and language. I wish I'd had the opportunity to enjoy these kinds of educational "toys" when I was little. Back in my day there wasn't a lot of creative learning opportunities available.
That little bear is too cute:) Thank you for such a wonderful list Sandy! I hope you are getting some relaxation in this weekend. It's a crazy time of year. Next week I think there's something almost everyday..
I love this round-up! So clever! Nothing like a smart gift. I will keep these in mind for next year. (I already did all my little one's shopping)
I love all of these ideas! Do you know what age group the Little Passport series is geared toward? It looks like something my young nephews (6 and 9) would enjoy.